Destination: Mongolia

Mongolia tours for seniors.

The world’s least densely populated country, Mongolia is nomadic culture and pristine beautiful landscapes. Mongolia‘s natural wonders include the eerie flaming cliffs of the Gobi Desert, the snow capped Altai Mountains, and, of course, the vivid green of the steppe. For an immersive experience of local culture and nomadic life, join a family in their ger (or traditional herder’s yurt made of felt and wood) – just make sure to bring gifts to reciprocate the immense hospitality of the locals. The annual Nadaam Festival celebrates Mongolia‘s nomadic traditions, while the country’s more recent Buddhist culture can be seen at the Buddhist monastery of Amarbayasgalant Khiid. Join Odyssey Traveller and explore this fascinating yet underrated country.

Mongolia Tours

Tours for Mature Aged and Senior World Travellers.

Transmongolian Transiberian

65 days

Mar, Jul, Feb

Singapore to Lisbon by train

Visiting China

A small group railway journey from Singapore to Lisbon. The longest in the world for senior couples and mature solo travellers. Explore over some 56 days, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Russia, France, Spain and Portugal. Limited to 10 travelers on this escorted program.

From A$41,145 AUD

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Mongolia and Russia small group tours



Journey through Mongolia and Russia small group tour

Visiting Mongolia, Russia

This escorted small group tour traverses this expanse, from Ulaanbaatar to St Petersburg; from the Mongolian Steppes to Siberian taiga and tundra; over the Ural Mountains that divide Asia and Europe to the waterways of Golden Ring. Our program for couples and solo travellers uses two of the great rail journeys of the world; the Trans Mongolian Express and the Trans Siberian Express.

From A$17,850 AUD

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Mongolia cultural history, small group tour for mature travellers

20 days

Sep, Aug

Mongolia Small Group Tour | Discover the history and culture of Mongolia

Visiting Mongolia

Mongolia is a relatively unexplored country for travellers but it has many diverse landscapes to explore, and interesting cultures to become acquainted with, all existing in a country with few cities and towns but with extensive rural lands that remain the domain of nomadic herders. Small group tour for couples or solo travelers

From A$13,750 AUD

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Gobi Desert Mongolia Dinosaur dig

15 days

May, Aug, Sep

Mongolia Dinosaur Dig Tour | Small group tour in the Gobi Desert

Visiting Mongolia

The first dinosaur nest of eggs was discovered in Mongolia during 1928.Following an introduction to Mongolian history, culture and desert landscapes, participants will Experience eight days on a paleontological dig. Small group tour for couples and solo mature travellers interested in Mongolia and Dinosaurs.

From A$15,675 AUD

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Articles about Mongolia

Dinosaurs, Paleontology, & evolution: 10 best books

Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Fossils: The Definitive Guide for Travellers

Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Fossils Knowledge of dinosaurs exploded into the mainstream through Hollywood magic, thanks to Stephen Spielberg’s animated drama adventure Land Before Time (1988, co-produced with George Lucas of Star Wars fame) and the suspenseful Jurassic Park (1993) and…

3 Aug 19 · 10 mins read
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mongolia horse travel

Questions about Mongolia for Senior Travellers

Explore and learn about on a seniors small group tour of Mongolia and its pastoral, cultural and historic settlement. Visit Ulaanbaatar, catch the train to Moscow, seek out dinosaurs as part of a small group.

28 Jul 19 · 2 mins read
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Silk Road

Xi'an, the Beginning of the Silk Road: Definitive Guide for Travellers

Xi’an, the Beginning of the Silk Road The bustling city of Xi’an (“Western Peace”) in China‘s Shaanxi Province is one of China’s oldest cities and perhaps also its most culturally significant: as the ancient city…

29 Mar 19 · 8 mins read
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trans-Siberian train

Trans-Mongolian Railway

Measuring 2080 kilometres, and situated between the borders of Russia’s far east and China’s North, the Trans-Mongolian railway is journey steeped in the history of great powers.

17 Feb 20 · 4 mins read
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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Mongolia’s Capital of Ulaanbaatar is a city whose history is written in its landscape, architecture and people. Located at 1,350 m (4,430 ft) above sea level and close to the river Tuul, Ulaanbaatar…

2 Mar 20 · 3 mins read
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Touring Mongolia

The need to know

Getting around

Odyssey travels by coach and occasionally uses local transport, including trains and ferries. Specifics are always outlined in your tour itinerary. Buses and minibuses run services out of Ulaanbataar to regional areas, though can be somewhat cramped. Train services run on a limited north to south route, running from Sukhbaatar through to Ulaanbataar and down to the Zamiin-Uud in the south. Taxi services run from Ulaanbataar to other regional cities, though they might not be able to go off-road to sites in more rugged areas.


In major cities, Odyssey stays in centrally located 3-4 star hotels, with easy access to public transport. In smaller towns or rural areas, we usually stay in family-run hotels or guesthouses. On our longstay tours, during which you spend the length of the tour in a single location, we use serviced apartments.

Tour guides

Odyssey always engages local guides with regional knowledge to ensure an authentic experience during which you can learn as much as possible about the history and culture of places you visit.

Geography, Environment, & Weather

Mongolia is a landlocked country, covering an area of 1,564,116 square kilometres. Mongolia’s landscape is characterised by rolling plains and mountains, with two mountain ranges, the Altai Mountains and Khangai Mountains, stretching across much of the north and west of the country.

Mongolia has an extreme continental climate with long, cold winters and short summers. Temperatures often drop below freezing during the winter, so depending on when you intend to travel, check the weather reports and dress accordingly.

World heritage sites

Mongolia has 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You can view the official list of the sites here ( The listed sites currently include:

Landscapes of Dauria, a vast area home to millions of endangered and vulnerable birds
Uvs Nuur Basin, featuring an incredibly diverse landscape including desert dunes, steppe, wetlands and forests, and home to a diverse range of species
Petroglyphic Complexes of the Mongolian Altai, featuring rock carvings and funerary monuments dating back millenia.

Festivals & Events

The unique culture and traditions of the Mongolian people is celebrated through a number of different festivals throughout the year. The Naadam Festival is held every summer in Mongolia, with participants across the country joining in on the three ‘manly’ sports of archery, wrestling and horse racing. The Thousand Camel Festival, held in the Gobi Desert, celebrates the Gobi region’s beloved camels, with camel racing and polo competitions held alongside traditional music and dance performances. Tsagaan Zar is the Mongolian Lunar New Year celebration, with faimilies visiting each other to pay their respects and feast on traditional fare such as buuz (dumplings), rice and curds and mutton.

Reading list

Mongolia: Travels in the Untamed Land, by Jasper Becker
Hearing Birds Fly, by Louisa Waugh
In Search of Genghis Khan, by Tim Severin
Moving with the Seasons: Portrait of a Mongolian, by Liza F. Carter

Eating & Drinking

As a nation with a long history of nomadism, meat and dairy products are of primary importance in Mongolian cuisine. Roasts and barbeques feature prominently in Mongolian cooking, with notable dishes including khorkhog (lamb cooked inside a pot with carrots, onions, and potatoes) and boodog (a whole goat filled with hot stones, onions, and potatoes, which is then cooked). Buuz (flour dumplings filled with shredded meat, onion, garlic, and pepper) are popularly consumed, especially during the Lunar New Year, while aaruul (dried cheese biscuits) are a favourite of Mongolians. Alcohol is an important part of socialising in Mongolian culture, with vodka and airag (fermented mare’s milk) amongst the most popular beverages.

Health & Safety

Generally speaking, Mongolia is a safe country to travel in, though always exercise common sense while travelling.

Electrical Supply

Whenever you travel overseas, it’s always wise to take an appropriate travel adaptor. Mongolia’s electricity supply runs at 220V and 50Hz. Mongolia uses both Type C and Type E plugs, so make sure you have the right travel adaptor with you.

Tour Reviews

We did this tour in 2011. Wonderful, extraordinary experience. Loved every minute.

Rex and Maree

Journey through Mongolia and Russia small group tour


What is the time zone?

Mongolia has two time zones, Hovd Standard Time (UTC+7) and Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+8). Daylight savings are not currently observed in Mongolia

Is tipping customary in Mongolia?

If you’re on an Odyssey tour, we take care of tipping so you don’t need to give it a second thought. However, in your free time, or if travelling independently, it’s essential that you tip an appropriate amount for services. Tipping is not common in Mongolia, though is appreciated. If you wish to tip, 10% is a reasonable amount to leave as a tip at restaurants.

What is the internet access like in Mongolia?

Wifi should be available in many restaurants, cafes and hotels in major cities, though internet access is likely to be more sporadic in rural areas.

Can I use my mobile/cell phone while in Mongolia?

Check with your cell phone provider to see whether you’re able to make calls and use data while in Mongolia. Many providers will allow you to pay a daily fee that allows you to make calls and check the internet while only being charged your regular rates. However, be certain to inform your provider that you’re heading overseas, because just like a bank they can turn off your service as a result of unusual activity.

Articles about Mongolia published by Odyssey Traveller:

Questions about Mongolia.

Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Fossils.

For all the articles Odyssey Traveller has published for mature aged and senior travellers, click through on this link.

External articles to assist you on your visit to Mongolia:

Nadaam Festival – The Three Games of Mongolia.

From Yaks to Yurts: An Introduction to Mongolian Food.

The Guardian: Film director Otto Bell on ‘Why I Love Mongolia’.

Responsible travel tips for Mongolia

  • Learn at least the local greetings to break the ice. Although some locals speak English, the more you know of the native language, the greater your experience of the country will be.
  • Carry a business card in your wallet or purse from your local hotel, to assist you with the return journey if you do become lost.
  • Always ensure that you are covered by travel insurance. If you need advice on this feel free to contact Odyssey and we’ll be able to help.
  • Before departing, make sure you have a number of tögrög in a range of denominations. You don’t want to be carrying around enormous amounts of cash, but take enough to make it easy to pay in locations that might not accept credit card. It will also help you avoid card transaction fees, and it makes tipping a breeze.
  • When travelling independently, make sure you check the opening hours of shops and museums so that you don’t miss out! Also be certain to check whether your trip coincides with any public holidays, so you can plan accordingly.
  • Before departing on your trip, contact your bank to inform them that you may be making purchases overseas. Otherwise, they may flag any activity on your account as suspicious. Also, check which ATMs and banks are compatible with your cards, to ensure you can withdraw cash with minimal fees.

About Odyssey Traveller

We specialise in educational small group tours for seniors, typically groups between six to 12 people from Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Britain. Our maximum number of people on a tour is 18 mature aged travellers. We have some 150 tours and offer 300 scheduled departures on offer each year. Odyssey has been offering this style of adventure and educational programs since 1983.

Odyssey Traveller is committed to charitable activities that support the environment and cultural development of Australian and New Zealand communities.

Odyssey Traveller scholarship for Australia & New Zealand University students.

We are also pleased to announce that since 2012, Odyssey has been awarding $10,000 Equity & Merit Cash Scholarships each year. We award scholarships on the basis of academic performance and demonstrated financial need. We award at least one scholarship per year. We’re supported through our educational travel programs, and your participation helps Odyssey achieve its goals. Students can apply for the scholarship by clicking on this link to find out more details.

Join our loyalty program when you join an international small group tour.

Every International small group tour taken typically contributes to your membership level in our Loyalty Program for regular travellers. Membership of the alumni starts when you choose to take your first international small group tour with Odyssey Traveller, discounts in tour pricing for direct bookings accrue from your third tour with Odyssey Traveller. To see the discounts and benefits of being a Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond alumni member with us, please see this page.

For more information on Odyssey Traveller and our educational small group tours, visit and explore our website., remember to visit these pages in particular

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