Odyssey Traveller Terms and Conditions

Odyssey Traveller Terms & Conditions

Please read these conditions carefully, because your reservation and payment for a tour constitutes acceptance of them. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties as to their subject matter, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between the parties.

By making a booking and paying your deposit you accept the following booking terms and conditions with Odyssey Traveller. They are set out in 3 sections:

  1. Conditions applicable to ALL bookings
  2. International Tours conditions (excluding Australia & New Zealand Tours)
  3. Australia and New Zealand Tours conditions (excluding International Tours)

1. Conditions applicable to ALL bookings


Odyssey programs are primarily prepared for mature adults with a reasonable level of fitness that reflects the tour selected, so you and your travelling companions are sure to share interests. We design all of our programs with mature travellers in mind. In order to ensure congenial travelling companions, Odyssey Traveller reserves the right to accept or reject any person as a travel tour participant and to expel from the travel tour any participant whose conduct is deemed incompatible with the interest and safety of the travel tour group.


Reservations on programs are confirmed strictly in accordance with receipt of a completed registration form and deposit. As some persons who request options do not ultimately proceed, Odyssey Traveller reserves the right to issue more reservation options than spaces available. In order to avoid disappointment we encourage early registration. Alumni members will be given preference to bookings where possible. In the event that the tour is full at time of receipt of your payment, you may either elect to go on a wait list or Odyssey Traveller will refund your deposit in full.



A $1,000 per person deposit is required to secure your place on any tour. The $1,000 deposit is refundable until a tour becomes guaranteed. When a tour becomes guaranteed your deposit becomes non-refundable. Odyssey will contact you or your agent by phone or email to advise when the tour selected becomes guaranteed. When a tour is guaranteed, Odyssey will request an additional sum to take your deposit to 30% of the cost of the tour. This increased deposit is non-refundable as per the terms and conditions set out in the relevant sections titled “CANCELLATION FEES” (Section 2.9 for all Tours)

Travellers are encouraged to secure travel insurance from the time a tour is guaranteed.

For tours guaranteed more than a year in advance, the 30% non-refundable deposit will only be requested once the tour reaches 12 months prior to commencement date.


You may pay your deposit and final balance by credit card, cheque or direct deposit. Note: Cheque payments are only available for Australian Bank Account holders.

If you chose to pay by credit card, we will accept Mastercard, Visa and Amex. A non-refundable handling fee for credit cards is charged. The fee for Visa or Mastercard is 1.5% of the amount processed and 2.8% of the amount processed for Amex cards.

Please note that where payment is made by cheque, payment will not be considered as received until funds are cleared. Until Odyssey Traveller has received the correct deposit amount and has sent you an invoice which confirms our acceptance of the booking, no contract exists between you and Odyssey Traveller. Where other suppliers require additional deposits (eg: cruises, expeditions or customised extensions) you must pay these in addition to the Odyssey Traveller deposit.


Odyssey Traveller will in good faith guarantee a tour to proceed when it reaches the minimum number of participants required to operate the tour. When a tour becomes guaranteed, it is subject to all participants agreeing to paying Odyssey Traveller a non refundable deposit equivalent to 30% of the total cost of the tour within 21 days of advice being received that the tour is guaranteed.

If a tour has been guaranteed and the number of participants booked then subsequently falls below the minimum number required to guarantee the tour, Odyssey reserves the right to withdraw the tour and refund clients monies paid to Odyssey. The notice of such a cancellation will be no later than 45 days prior to the tour scheduled departure date.


On most Odyssey programs, those requesting a single room are charged a Single supplement rate.

Single supplement rates are payable to ensure single accommodation with a single bed as a minimum, we request all single travellers to receive a double room though this often outside of Europe may not be possible. Also the standard and location of these rooms may not always meet the same standards of twin/double rooms, this would be beyond our control, though we would always use best endeavours to provide all members of the group with the same standard of room. By choosing to share a room with another “single” you have the advantage of making a saving and the pleasure of the extra companionship that this offers. If you are travelling on your own, we will do our best to find someone of the same gender to share with you. Should we not find someone to share with you, the single supplement will then be applicable. Where there is no Single supplement rate, this information will be listed in the relevant ‘Tour Includes’ section. Should you require a double room (with double bed) for single use, a different surcharge may apply. Please contact us for more information.


In most cases, you can also take a “customised extension” after your Odyssey tour. This enables you to explore the area on your own. Should you choose this option, remember to extend your travel insurance coverage for this additional period. The cost of airport transfers are not included in going to, or coming from, your customised extension. Please ask our Educational Travel Advisers for more information on our many attractive add-on holiday options.


The prices published on the website and in printed material published by Odyssey, are calculated on known costs and exchange rates at the time of publication, are in Australian and New Zealand Dollars and include currency adjustments, commissions, booking fees, GST where relevant and communication costs. Odyssey Traveller reserves the right to alter these prices without notice if there is an increase in costs to Odyssey.

Whilst we endeavour to hold the advertised price for as long as possible, unfortunately oil prices, currency fluctuations, airfare increases and other factors outside our control may force us to impose surcharges. For air and land programs, if you mail the balance of your payment so that we receive it within 14 days of the date of your invoice, we can guarantee you will pay no ticketed item surcharges because we will have the opportunity to purchase your tickets in advance and have the currency we need to pay for the accommodations. (This guarantee does not extend to non-ticketed items such as new or increased departure taxes and airport charges.) For cruises, however, we cannot guarantee prices as most cruise lines reserve the right to impose surcharges. The price of your Odyssey tour includes a number of elements that together make up a tour. We regret that we are unable to make any refund related to the cost of any individual element, such as an included excursion, that you choose not to take.

In the event that Odyssey Traveller requires a surcharge from you due to increases in costs, this will be requested in writing. If you do not pay this surcharge, your action will be regarded as a cancellation by you and cancellation charges will apply.


Odyssey Traveller serves only to assist in making necessary travel arrangements for participants, and in no way represents or acts as agents for transportation carriers, hotels, and other suppliers of services connected with the programs. Travel and service are subject only to the terms and conditions under which such accommodations, services and transportation are offered or provided, and Odyssey Traveller and their respective employees, agents, representatives, and assigns, accept no responsibility and liability therefore. Odyssey Traveller or its servants, agents or employees are not liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or other irregularity which may be caused by the defect of any vehicle or the negligence or default of any company or person engaged in carrying out or performing any of the services involved, caused by any other entity or person during the travel tour. Additionally, responsibility is not accepted for losses or expenses due to sickness, weather, strikes, wars, or other such causes. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws of the country in which they are provided.

Odyssey Traveller reserves the right to make changes in the published itinerary whenever, in their sole judgement, conditions warrant, or if they deem it necessary for the comfort, convenience or safety of the tour. Odyssey reserves the right to withdraw without penalty any tour announced.

All parties also reserve the right to decline to accept any person as a member of the tour, or to require any participant to withdraw from the tour at any time, when such action is determined by the group leader to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the group or of the individual participant.

Odyssey Traveller does not accept liability for any carrier’s cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable domestic ticket to the tour departure city and return. Prior to making your airline booking you must ensure that your tour is a confirmed departure as carriers cancellation penalties are not covered by travel insurance in the event that Odyssey Traveller cancels a tour due to lack of passenger numbers. Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of the owner at all times.

As a condition to participating on the designated tour(s), each participant must agree to, and sign, the Registration Form and provide or complete any other required information such as Health and Fitness/Medical Forms.


We will make every effort to accommodate your special dietary and/or food allergy requirements but are unable to guarantee that we will be able to cater for your specific needs. In signing the registration form you accept and understand these conditions. You may need to supplement your dietary requirements.

If you have any disability, please complete the relevant part of the booking form and attach any further details if necessary. Odyssey Traveller reserves the right to consider the information provided by you and to request any further information it considers to be necessary before it can accept your reservation. Tours are best suited to people who are mobile, able to climb stairs and walk distances without difficulty. You must be able to carry your own baggage sometimes up and down stairs, get on and off coaches, trains, or other forms of transport and keep up with the demands of a physically active schedule without assistance. The type of information which will be useful is whether your disability restricts or limits your capacity to walk unaided and if there are any distances you can safely cover and whether you need the assistance or if you require any special devices or equipment to enable you to travel safely, such as a wheelchair, wheeled walker, a guide dog or an assistant. It is necessary to assess not only your needs and requirements but also the tour you wish to go on and the modes of travel used in it and the needs and requirements of the other passengers and of the staff and the extent and nature of any special arrangements that may need to be put in place for you to travel safely with us.

You must ensure you are physically fit to travel on your chosen tour. We recommend you consult your regular doctor or travel medical specialists before travel regarding any inoculations, medications and other health precautions that should be taken in relation to travel within the destinations of your chosen tour(s)

We may exclude a participant from participating in certain activities if it poses a threat to the health or safety of others. This decision will be made solely by Odyssey Traveller and our local suppliers based on a personalised assessment. No refunds will be given if the decision is made to exclude a participant.

We are unable to provide personal devices (i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, etc) or services of a personal nature (i.e. assistance with eating, toileting, dressing). If a traveller requires services of a personal nature we strongly suggest you bring a companion who can assist you with such tasks. Odyssey Program Leaders or local guides are not available for such purposes.

Regrettably we’re unable to accommodate motorised scooters.


  • Seat allocations on board Odyssey Traveller vehicles operate with a daily seat rotation system to ensure passengers enjoy different seating positions whilst on tour.
  • Passengers accept that tours include participation in activities which may involve certain risks and dangers beyond the control of Odyssey Traveller. Such activities containing risks include but are not limited to, bush walking, swimming, and travelling in remote undeveloped locations.
  • Passengers accept that some itineraries include visits to and overnight stays in areas located some distance from hospitals, medical centres or other forms of professional medical facilities. This is particularly the case for Odyssey Traveller’s Australian Outback tours or other smaller towns in developing nations which travel through extremely remote country for days on end.
  • Passengers will not be permitted to continue on tours when in the opinion of the Odyssey Traveller Tour Leader, the passenger’s conduct or condition is placing their own or the safety of other passengers at risk, or is adversely affecting the enjoyment of other passengers; for whatever cause.
  • Odyssey Traveller will take all reasonable steps to provide an enjoyable tour. However, no liability will be accepted for any loss of enjoyment experienced by passengers due to circumstances which are out of our control.


We are aware of the difference of opinion between smokers and non-smokers, particularly in such close quarters as lecture rooms and buses. For the comfort of all participants, we as that there be no smoking during lectures or on the bus, in line with the major airline policy. Sufficient stops will be made along the way to accommodate those who smoke.


You acknowledge that information provided to Odyssey Traveller from time to time will be of a personal nature. You acknowledge that, from time to time, Odyssey Traveller may disclose any personal information to domestic persons or organisations (or outside Australia and New Zealand) for the purposes of making and completing airline bookings and travel related arrangements on your behalf and also may conduct in house or external marketing activities and market research. You can gain access to the information Odyssey holds about you by contacting the Chief Executive Officer, Odyssey Traveller in writing.

Odyssey Traveller respects your privacy and will only use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. You can obtain full details of how we collect, hold, use manage and disclose your personal information from our Privacy Policy, a copy of which may be obtained free of charge by ringing us on 1800 688 222 or by visiting https://www.odysseytraveller.com/privacy-policy/


All participants of the tours we operate must obey the laws and regulations of the countries visited and any failure to do so will relieve Odyssey Traveller of all obligations that they may otherwise have under these booking conditions.


All bookings are accepted on the understanding that you appreciate that travel does involve some risk and that you undertake all tours of your own volition.

i) Odyssey Traveller accepts liability should any part of the tour arrangements booked with us not be supplied as described in the brochure(s), including the internet,  and not be of reasonable standard. In such a case, we will pay reasonable compensation if your enjoyment of the tour has been adversely affected but will pay no compensation if there has been no fault on the part of Odyssey Traveller or our third-party suppliers and the reason for the failure in the tour arrangements was your fault, the actions of someone unconnected with the tour arrangements or could not have been foreseen or avoided by Odyssey Traveller or its third party suppliers even if all due care had been exercised.

ii) Our acceptance of liability to pay compensation pursuant to clause 1.15(i) is limited, in the case of air travel, rail travel, sea travel or hotel accommodation, to the amount set out in the provisions of, respectively, the Warsaw Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol 1955, the 1961 Berne Convention, the 1974 Athens Convention and the 1962 Paris Convention, and in relation to any other items, is limited to the amount actually paid for the relevant component of the tour.

iii) Our acceptance of liability in clauses 1.15(i) and 1.15(ii) above is subject to assignment by you to Odyssey Traveller of your rights against any agent, supplier or sub-contractor of Odyssey Traveller which is in any way responsible for the unsatisfactory tour arrangements.

The provisions of this clause 1.15 are also subject to the third-party suppliers’ terms, conditions and limitations. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept responsibility or liability for matters for which the third party suppliers are liable (which will be dealt with in accordance with the third party suppliers’ terms, conditions and limitations).


If your travel arrangements cannot proceed due to flood, earthquake, war or civil strife, acts of terrorism, hurricane, cyclone, industrial disturbance, strike, fire, lock-out, epidemic, pandemic, failure or delays of scheduled transportation, or any law, order, decree, rule or regulation of any government authority (including quarantine requirements or government travel advisories), or for any other reason beyond our reasonable control (Force Majeure), we will elect to: ` Reschedule your travel arrangements, in which case we will issue you with a credit equal to the amounts paid; or ` Cancel your travel arrangements, in which case our contract with you will terminate.

If we cancel your travel arrangements, neither of us will have any claim for damages against the other. However, we will refund payments made by you less unrecoverable third party costs and less fair compensation for work undertaken by us up until the time of termination and in connection with the processing of any refund. Any credit issued by us:

  • Has a 2 year expiry date.
  • Can be put toward any tour in a similar category. ie International for International tour.
  • Is not redeemable for cash.
  • Is not redeemable against flights or travel insurance.

Force Majeure - During travel If we cancel your travel arrangements after your trip has commenced due to Force Majeure, we will endeavour to assist where possible in making arrangements to repatriate you. You will be responsible for any costs we incur in this respect.


If we provide you with any alternative services or assistance where travel arrangements are cancelled due to Force Majeure, then you agree the amount to be refunded to you will be reduced by the value of these services and assistance.

If we cancel your travel arrangements for reasons beyond Force Majeure, you will be offered (at your election) a refund of all funds paid, or the offer of a trip of substantially equal or better quality if appropriate.

We will not be responsible to you for any expenses or loss you incur in connection with your booking if your travel arrangements are rescheduled or cancelled whether or not due to Force Majeure.

Where a tour is cancelled by us due to a force majeure event, you are entitled to a credit voucher (or at our discretion, we may offer you a refund but we are not obliged to do so). Where a tour is cancelled by us other than due to a force majeure event, in the case where an equivalent tour is offered, we will offer you the opportunity to rebook on that tour with no additional fees for that rebooking, or if you do not wish to rebook, then you are entitled to a credit voucher.


Should any issue arise while travelling on an Odyssey tour, this should be brought to the attention of your tour leader, so that it can be resolved immediately. Once you have returned home, any outstanding issues or questions should be directed to our Educational Travel Advisers.

If you fail to take these steps any claim for compensation, if any, may be reduced or denied.

If you have an unresolved complaint during the tour this should be put to us in writing detailing the efforts that were made with the local operator and leader to resolve the issue. Please send this with supporting documentation electronically within three weeks of the date of the service. No claim made after this period will be considered. We feel confident in our ability to work with you to resolve any problem. You must submit complaints in writing so that we can attend to them promptly.

Upon your return home Odyssey Traveller will send you a feedback survey to evaluate the tour and your Program Leader. The information provided will be used to improve future departures. Surveys are not responded to, should you require a reply to your comments we request that you contact us via e-mail or phone.


Odyssey Traveller tours do not include the cost of travel insurance. It is a condition of travel for all of our international programs that you hold valid travel insurance cover for the full duration of your Odyssey tour up to and including the date of your arrival home. Travel insurance is also highly recommended for Australian and New Zealand citizens travelling in Australia and New Zealand. We can arrange competitive insurance for you, please contact one of our Educational Travel Advisers.


Odyssey Traveller welcomes bookings made by Travel Agents. Some conditions apply:

  • No discounts are applicable to bookings made by Travel Agents, including any sales/promotions or Alumni (repeat traveller) discounts.
  • All communication will be handled via the Travel Agent, passengers should not contact Odyssey directly if booking via an agent.
  • Flights, travel insurance, visas and other additional travel services that may be required by the client are to be handled by the Travel Agent.

Please contact Odyssey Traveller for further details and procedures including information regarding commission structure.

2. International Tours, excluding Australia & New Zealand tours


Your completed registration form and deposit must be received by Odyssey. Balance of payment is due not later than 120 days before departure and should be paid by credit card, cheque, money order or direct deposit. Odyssey will send out a reminder detailing all payments prior to the payment due date. If you do not pay the balance at this time, we must consider this inaction as a cancellation and cancellation charges may apply.

Details of the balance of payment owed by you will be included on the invoice. You will not receive any travel documents until full payment has been received.

We reserve the right to correct an error in an advertised price until your account is paid in full. Every booking is accepted subject to the conditions imposed by independent contractors, including the air, cruise, rail, coach, hotel, restaurant, insurance and other companies, firms, or persons concerned with the tour.

In the event of a difference between Odyssey Traveller’s conditions and those published by an independent contractor, the conditions of the independent contractor shall apply. We reserve the right to cancel any participant’s booking in the event that programs do not operate, if number requirements are not reached or any other circumstances arise that, at Odyssey’s sole discretion, require the cancellation of a tour.


A valid passport is required for all international programs. Your passport is required to have a minimum of 6 months validity from the date of your return and at least two blank pages. This is a requirement of many countries. If a visa is required for entering a country, you will be advised in the tour information section.

Odyssey Traveller will forward you basic visa information and relevant websites for the country(ies) you are visiting. Please note this is intended as guide for passport holders and participants are advised to contact the appropriate consular office(s) for further and most up to date information regarding entry requirements pertaining to their participation in a selected tour.


Odyssey Traveller can assist Australian citizens living in Australia with their visa application process for an additional fee of $150 per person, plus any additional Consular Visa Fees (extra postage fees apply for visa applications made to Embassies or Consular offices). This service is only available to Australian passport holders residing in Australia and is not a guarantee that a visa will be granted.

You will receive up to date information regarding the visa application requirements and process along with forms, instructions and recommended deadlines for your application. You will also have over the phone and email assistance to complete your forms and compile the required supporting documentation where needed. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart and that all forms have been completed correctly.

Odyssey Traveller and/or their employees are not responsible for passport, visa requirements, entry, health or other requirements of the countries visited or for any loss sustained by you for failing to comply with laws, regulations, orders and/or requirements of countries visited, and will not be liable for any costs or cancellation penalties or inconvenience where travellers do not have a travel authorisation, and are not permitted to travel.

Odyssey processes visas ONLY FOR A SELECT GROUP OF TOURS please check with Odyssey if unsure or in any doubt.


Our international bookings close 30 days prior to the departure date. For certain programs we can waive the 30 day rule. A modest fee of AUD/NZD $50.00 per person is imposed and we must receive full payment (tour cost plus fee) with your booking form. All late bookings must be requested by calling an Odyssey Educational Travel Adviser on 1300 888 225 (within Australia) or 0800 440055 (within New Zealand) and are subject to space availability.


The final payment for your booking must be received into our bank account or by credit card transaction no later than 120 days prior to your departure date. This payment date will be clearly spelt out on your booking confirmations. For bookings made within 120 days of the tour departure the full tour payment will be required within 7 days.


Passengers acknowledged that maps and images displayed on the website and in printed material are for illustrative purposes only and that the reality of the views and experiences may be somewhat different when on tour.

We reserve the right to make a material alteration to your tour on, or before, the date the balance of payment is due. If this is necessary, we will inform you as early as possible and you will be entitled to a full refund. Alternatively, you will have the choice of accepting the alteration or accepting a tour of comparable standard, if available. After the date when the balance of payment is due, events may occur that are outside of our control and that force us to make changes in the tour arrangements. If, for any reason, we have to change the details of your tour, we will inform you as early as possible. In the event of any major change of your tour arrangements involving changes in date of more than one day, or a change of hotels to a lower official category, you may elect to cancel and you will be entitled to a full refund less an administration fee of $250. Alternatively, you may accept the alteration.

We reserve the right to reverse the itinerary that is published in the catalogue or website. In such cases, the locations visited and excursions taken will be the same, and this will not be considered a material alteration to the tour.


You may change your booking at any time up to and including 90 days before the planned departure date, subject to availability of accommodation and/or transport. Your total tour cost will be recalculated and a new invoice issued. An amendment fee of AUD/NZD $150.00 may be charged. If an amendment is requested fewer than 90 days before departure, we reserve the right to regard this as a cancellation, and charges may apply.


The following charges will be applied by Odyssey Traveller and may be deducted from any refund of moneys if you cancel your booking, together with any suppliers’ fees and any irrecoverable costs borne by Odyssey Traveller. All cancellations must be notified in writing via post or email to info@odysseytraveller.com


When a tour is guaranteed your deposit is non-refundable.

Note: You should ensure that you have travel insurance cover against loss of deposit.

Number of Days before a Tour Commences or from the date a tour is guaranteed.

Cancellation Charge as % of Total Price of the Tour

From the notified date that a program/tour is guaranteed -30%

120 to 61 days prior to departure                  –   50%

60 to 46 days prior to departure                 –    65%

45 days or less prior to departure              –    100%

These cancellation charges are in addition to any cancellation charges that may be levied by our suppliers.

Updated April 2023

3. Australia and New Zealand Tours, excluding international tours

The Terms and Conditions under which Odyssey Traveller Tours operate across Australia and New Zealand are detailed below. Payment of the Tour deposit represents an acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

For International tours please refer to the section above (Section 2).


Your completed registration form and deposit must be received by Odyssey. Balance of payment is due not later than 100 days before departure and should be paid by credit card, cheque or direct deposit. Odyssey will send out a reminder detailing all payments prior to the payment due date. If you do not pay the balance at this time, we must consider this inaction as a cancellation and cancellation charges may apply.

Details of the balance of payment owed by you will be included on the invoice. You will not receive any travel documents until full payment has been received.

We reserve the right to correct an error in an advertised price until your account is paid in full. Every booking is accepted subject to the conditions imposed by independent contractors, including the air, cruise, rail, coach, hotel, restaurant, insurance and other companies, firms, or persons concerned with the tour.

In the event of a difference between Odyssey Traveller’s conditions and those published by an independent contractor, the conditions of the independent contractor shall apply. We reserve the right to cancel any participant’s booking in the event that programs do not operate, if number requirements are not reached or any other circumstances arise that, at Odyssey’s sole discretion, require the cancellation of a tour.


Our Australia and New Zealand tour bookings close 45 days prior to the departure date. For certain programs we can waive the 45 day rule. A modest fee of AUD/NZD $100.00 per person is imposed and we must receive full payment (tour cost plus fee) with your booking form. All late bookings must be requested by calling an Odyssey Educational Travel Adviser on 1300 888 225 (within Australia) or 0800 440055 (within New Zealand) and are subject to space availability.


The final payment for your booking must be received into our bank account or by credit card transaction no later than 100 days prior to your departure date. This payment date will be clearly spelt out on your booking confirmations. For bookings made within 100 days of the tour departure the full tour payment will be required within 7 days.


Passengers acknowledged that maps and images displayed on the website and in printed material are for illustrative purposes only and that the reality of the views and experiences may be somewhat different when on tour.

Passengers accept that Odyssey Traveller may need to alter or amend itineraries, accommodation or sightseeing arrangements from those published, with little or no notice. This may be due to road conditions, weather, safety factors, fuel availability and other operational considerations at the time. Such decisions will be made in the best interests of the passengers’ comfort and safety. In Arnhem Land roads can occasionally be closed temporarily due to ceremony and other cultural considerations. In these circumstances Odyssey Traveller will endeavour to make suitable alternative arrangements which may include the use of light aircraft. Odyssey Traveller is unable to guarantee exact arrival or departure times and is not liable for any failure to make connections with any other service or guarantee the operation of any particular service.

We reserve the right to reverse the itinerary that is published in the catalogue or website. In such cases, the locations visited and excursions taken will be the same, and this will not be considered a material alteration to the tour.


Changing to another tour departure for the same tour is permitted if there is sufficient availability and the new date falls within 150 days of the old departure date. Requests must be made in writing at least 90 days prior to travel. Your total tour cost will be recalculated and a new invoice issued. An amendment fee of AUD/NZD $250.00 may be charged. If an alternate date is unavailable or unsuitable and you cannot travel on the original date your booking will be subject to our standard cancellation terms detailed below.


If you cancel your booking cancellation fees will be levied relative to the amount of notice given and must be received in writing by post or by email addressed to info@odysseytraveller.com. The fees below are in addition to any suppliers’ fees and any irrecoverable costs borne by Odyssey Traveller. Please refer to the cancellation fees details below.

Note: You should ensure that you have Travel Insurance against loss of deposit.


3.7.1. Canning Stock Route tour

Number of days before a tour commences. Cancellation Charge as % of Deposit or Total Price of the tour, as specified below:

180 days or more prior to departure          –     50% of deposit

179 to 100 days prior to departure             –   100% of deposit

99 to 60 days prior to departure                 –    50% of tour price

59 days or less prior to departure              –    100% of tour price

3.7.2. All other Odyssey Traveller small group tours in Australia & New Zealand

Number of days before a tour commences. Cancellation Charge as % of Deposit or Total Price of the tour, as specified below:

180 days or more prior to departure          –     50% of deposit

179 to 100 days prior to departure             –   100% of deposit

99 to 60 days prior to departure                 –    50% of tour price

59 to 46 days prior to departure                –     75% of tour price

45 days or less prior to departure              –    100% of tour price


Each passenger is entitled to take one medium size suitcase weighing no more than 16 kg. The sum of each case’s width, length and depth is not to exceed 150cm. Passengers may also take on board the coach one hand-luggage item to be stored in the overhead luggage racks. Weight of hand luggage is not to exceed 3 kg per person. Luggage limits are enforced on every tour. Passengers will be asked to leave their excess baggage behind in the event that the weight of the luggage exceeds our limits (at own cost). The luggage is entirely at the passengers’ risk during the tour.

Please note: A tour may have specific luggage limits. Please enquire for further details at time of booking.


Most of our tour itineraries contain guided sightseeing walks to natural attractions. As such passengers are required to have a reasonable level of fitness in order to participate in such walks. Some walking tracks have sections of uneven rocky ground and may be slippery. The walks on our tours vary in length, so please read your chosen itinerary for further information or contact one of our travel advisers who will be able to give you further information about the walk to you.

Whilst on a bushwalk it is the responsibility of each passenger to carry adequate drinking water. Passengers must source a water bottle on tour or bring their own refillable bottle.

All Odyssey Traveller coaches have a water refilling point.

If passengers feel they are unable to participate in the walk on the day, alternative arrangements will be made with adequate provision for passenger comfort and safety.

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