Highlights of Egypt: The Pyramids and the Sphinx

Egypt is home to one of the only remaining wonder of the Ancient World: The Great Pyramids of Egypt. The pyramids are monumental tombs for pharaohs from the 4th dynasty and relics of Egypt's Old Kingdom era, constructed around 4,500 years ago.

1 Jan 20 · 5 mins read

Highlights of Egypt | The Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx

Egypt houses one of the last wonders of the Ancient World – the Great Pyramids of Egypt. These monumental tombs were built around 4,500 years ago during the Old Kingdom era of ancient Egyptian civilization, specifically in the 4th dynasty. The Giza pyramid complex, part of the legacy from this era, stands out as a remarkable testament to ancient engineering prowess. Even in the 21st century, the pyramids continue to captivate viewers with their sheer magnitude and grandeur, maintaining their status as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Presently located near Cairo,, they remain a source of fascination for visitors, historians, and archaeologists alike. The mystery surrounding their construction, with approximately 2.3 million white limestone blocks weighing nearly 3 tonnes each, leaves experts pondering the methods employed by the ancient Egyptians to quarry, transport, and assemble these colossal structures.

Adjacent to the pyramids lies the enigmatic Sphinx statue, a 74-meter-long monument sculpted from the limestone bedrock of the Giza Plateau. Constructed between 2589 and 2504 B.C. (BCE), the Pyramids of Giza consist of three main pyramids – those of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, built as mortuary complexes for the respective rulers: King Khufu, Pharaoh Khafre, and Pharaoh Menkaure. These pyramids, each a marvel in its own right, symbolize the rich history and architectural sophistication of ancient Egypt.

World heritage sites
The Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Khufu

The Great Pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops, was commissioned by Pharaoh Khufu, the second ruler of the Fourth Dynasty and the son of Sneferu and Queen Hetepheres I. This iconic pyramid on the Giza plateau stood as the world’s largest man-made structure until the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889. Egyptologists estimate that the construction of Khufu’s Pyramid spanned 23 years and was accomplished through the labor of conscripted workers. Originally towering at 146 meters, comparable to the height of a modern 30-storey office building, today it stands at approximately 138 meters in height. The Great Pyramid is flanked by three smaller pyramids, known as the Queens’ Pyramids, believed to have been constructed for Khufu’s three wives.

Initially encased in white limestone, the Great Pyramid’s casing has since eroded away. However, the precision of the limestone blocks’ alignment was so remarkable that it is said a knife blade could not fit between them, underscoring the exceptional craftsmanship of the ancient builders.

The Pyramid of Khufu, the tallest of the three pyramids

Khafre’s Pyramid and the Sphinx

Sphinx and Pyramids in Cairo, Egypt
The Sphinx guards the pyramids

Khafre, the son of Khufu, constructed the second pyramid at Giza around 2520 B.C. While the identity of Khafre’s mother remains uncertain, many scholars speculate that it could be Queen Meritites I, based on an inscription honoring her by Khafre. His temple, situated on slightly elevated ground relative to Khufu’s, was positioned to create the illusion of greater height, although it stands at a lesser 136 meters tall compared to the Great Pyramid. Some remnants of the original polished limestone casing still endure.

At the Giza complex stands the grand and imposing Great Egyptian Sphinx, a colossal limestone statue embodying a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, traditionally credited to Khafre. This majestic figure is thought to have been sculpted in the likeness of the Pharaoh and placed there as a guardian of the pyramid ensemble. Despite enduring damage from natural elements like wind, groundwater, and air pollution over time, hints of red and blue pigmentation hint at its once vibrant appearance. Notably, the statue’s nose is notably absent, with historical debates suggesting it was lost to 16th-century Turks or perhaps due to cannon fire by Napoleon’s troops. Presently, significant efforts are invested in conserving and safeguarding the Great Sphinx to prevent further deterioration from environmental factors. Concerns raised by geologists and archaeologists center around the potential collapse of the sphinx’s head due to erosion, particularly given the weakened state of its neck over time. Special attention is given to the area beneath the head, recognizing its susceptibility to erosive forces owing to its delicate composition.

Menkaure’s Pyramid

Pyramid of Menkaure, the smallest of the three pyramids
Pyramid of Menkaure, the smallest of the three pyramids

Menkaure, the son of Khafre, constructed the smallest pyramid amongst the famous trio, towering at 65 meters tall, which is approximately one-tenth of the size of Khufu’s colossal pyramid. This pyramid, built around 2490 B.C., signifies a shift in focus within ancient Egyptian practices, as Egyptology scholars suggest a transition from constructing grand tombs to elaborate temples dedicated to the gods. Despite its size, Menkaure’s pyramid boasts the most intricate mortuary temple, featuring a descent through three distinct levels. Interestingly, Menkaure passed away before the completion of his pyramid, and it was finalized by his son, Shepseskaf.

The three pyramids at Giza
The three pyramids at Giza

Each of these pyramids was meticulously crafted as a sacred mausoleum to safeguard the Pharaoh’s remains and aid in their journey to the afterlife, equipped with provisions for the eternal voyage. The presence of sarcophagi in the pyramids solidifies the belief that they served as royal burial grounds. However, despite the presumed interment of the kings within their pyramids, no bodies have ever been discovered at these sites, hinting at ancient tomb raiding activities. What remains in these pyramids are fractured sarcophagi left behind by grave robbers who likely could not transport them beyond the pyramid’s corridors. The ultimate resting places of these Pharaohs are destined to remain shrouded in mystery.

The enigmatic Giza pyramids in Egypt stand unparalleled globally, emerging mystically from the desert landscape, symbolizing the architectural prowess and meticulous planning of the ancient Egyptians and their ruling dynasties. Today, visitors can explore the entire Giza complex, marvel at the three imposing pyramids and the enigmatic Sphinx, navigating through concealed chambers and admiring the historical relics and archaeological marvels linked with these ancient structures. These monuments encapsulate profound historical significance, embodying the wisdom and craftsmanship of a bygone civilization, offering timeless lessons to modern humanity.

Situated approximately 20 km south of Cairo, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx beckon travelers to embark on a captivating journey through Egypt’s rich heritage. In Odyssey’s Egypt Tour, accompanied by experienced tour leaders and knowledgeable local guides, participants can immerse themselves in the allure of the pyramids. A quintessential experience at Giza includes a brief camel ride against the breathtaking backdrop of the Pyramids, a cherished image synonymous with Egyptian exploration. This tour presents the opportunity to delve into Egypt’s antiquities and iconic landmarks, catering to enthusiasts of geology, archaeology, or anyone fascinated by the enthralling history and origins of Egypt, promising an educational and enriching voyage.

Articles about Egypt published by Odyssey Traveller.

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