Articles: Dinosaurs


Winton and Dinosaurs, Queensland
Small group tour for senior and mature travellers to Outback Queensland includes Winton and its Dinosaurs as well as Longreach, Cathedral Gorge and Aboriginal art, & Barcaldine.

Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Fossils: The Definitive Guide for Travellers
Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Fossils Knowledge of dinosaurs exploded into the mainstream through Hollywood magic, thanks to Stephen Spielberg’s animated drama adventure Land Before Time (1988, co-produced with George Lucas of Star Wars fame) and the suspenseful Jurassic Park (1993) and…

Dinosaurs, Palaeontology and Evolution: 10 of the Best Books for natural history lovers
Dinosaurs, Paleontology and Evolution: 10 of the Best Books for natural history lovers Paleontology and archaeology: discovering the Earth’s past Paleontology and archaeology are traditionally the domain of experts, but thanks to some excellent literature,…
Dinosaur fossil dig - Photo Essay
Argentina Dinosaur fossil dig Odyssey Travellers recently travelled to a collection of Dinosaur Fossil dig sites in Argentina. Of particular curiosity was the opportunity to see the Titanosaurus fossils in situ and in the laboratory.…