If you are part of a travel group , you and your possessions are much less of a target for criminals. Similarly, if you get ill or injured, you have the immediate help of your tour leader.
To assist in a time of crisis is usually a multi-level operation. By being in a small group you will have support from the tour manger as well as we would anticipate your travelling companions who we hope have become friends, the ground operator’s main office and the assistance of local tour guides, and the Odyssey staff in the head office to draw on for support whether it a lost passport or a medical emergency. The Odyssey office and the ground operator when these events occur would be in regular communication, working overnight where needed and keeping you informed and updated as well as your family at home if that is needed. Odyssey Traveller is a small lean organisation, the information is shared and passed on quickly and efficiently and in urgent cases make their way to the top immediately, so a positive proactive response can be organised as quickly as possible. There’s no red tape or multiple departments to deal with.
If the group is in an area without internet reception, the ground operator and Odyssey will ensure you get the information you need and pass on updated to your family back home. You won’t be isolated. We have not had many crises to manage, less than 5 in a decade, often it is a lost passport, and we have access to a copy of that document.
In a small group, you will find that the service is much more personalised. This is how we work, be it a medical emergency, a small accident or when things need to happen quickly and are require drastic action like stopping a tour after it has started, which has only ever happened once in 2020!
Because many small group tours focus on a single country or a specific region, you may find that your small group tour stays at fewer hotels for up to 3 or more nights at a time as we explore a region, which means less packing and re-packing. Even if you do choose a tour that stays in numerous places, you’ll generally find that your morning starts are at a pretty respectable hour and that the distances you need to travel each day are kept to a minimum.